My first goal is becoming knowledgeable. Being knowledgeable is similar as being smart. If you become knowledgeable, you can get better grades, school, job and future. To be knowledgeable, I am gonna read a book once a week. Because I heard reading important for getting knowledge. Also, I will get interested in everything. Many famous people was curious. So if I get interested in everything, too, I'm gonna got more knowledge that I didn't know.
My second goal is becoming healthy. Even though, you are pretty or handsome or smart, if you are not healthy, you'll get sick easily and get disease then die. So I will eat a lot and walk a lot. Eating is important so I;'m gonna eat rice, meat, soup, vegetable, bread, milk, and many other kinds of food. And walking a lot will be easy because we need to walk to go classroom and dorm.
My last goal is improving English skills. One of our reason we came here is to learn English so it's important,too. I'm gonna speak English a lot so I am get used to it and write English diary a lot, too.
So, getting more knowledgeable, becoming healthy, improving my English skill are my 3 goals for 30-day challenge. Thank You.
Good on you...
ReplyDeleteI want you to success you goals^^
Try your best!!!!
Thanks for sharing your goals. You may want to be more specific in your goal setting so you can measure your achievements towards the end of the camp (30 days) You may want to share a bit more about yourself? Look forward to read more from you:)
ReplyDeletehave a good time